Tuesday, July 28, 2009

married life is a lot like unmarried life

I still have to trick/bribe/threaten him to do chores. His snoring still isn't "cute". Bedtime still teeters between 8 and 9pm.

But, over these past few weeks I have noticed differences. People call me Mrs. now. It's a little creepy. The expression, "Don't make me go Snapped on your ass" escapes my lips more frequently during petty arguments. Sometimes I mean it. We watch a lot more Jeopardy. At first I thought Nick was just doing it to spite me, but now I see he really enjoys the show. There's something about being a husband that requires men to obnoxiously shout out answers then heckle the t.v. when contestants get them wrong.

For example, the other day we were watching Kids Week when one of the pre-teens blurted out the wrong answer to a fairly simple question. Staying true to fashion, Nick threw his arms up in the air and bellowed, "Oh. My. GOD. That was soooooo easy! I knew the answer to that. I did. What an idiot!"

"Sweetie, he's 12."

"He's a MORON."

I guess you could say married life is pretty sweet.

Image via FFFFOUND!


Morgan said...

LOVE this post!

Bridechka said...

Haha the Big Guy heckles jeopardy now, and we ain't married yet .. I wonder what I have to look forward to ...

JennyLee said...

I felt the same way after Zane and I got married. Jeopardy isn't involved however..

talda said...

dude, i wouldn't want to do anything to make anyone get all snapped on me. those women scare me. lol

Kate said...

If I didn't spend so much time every day with him, I'd swear we were married to the same dude.

Sapphyre said...

lmao!! he sounds just like Chris whenever ANYTHING is on the tv! lol.

Kiana said...

HAHAHA all this = SO true. I love my husband's reactions to game shows. Hilarious! If HE guesses wrong, he just smiles HUGE and shrinks into his shoulders like a little kid - worth a few minutes of Jeopardy occasionally.

Color Me Green said...

good to know you're enjoying married life, threatening and all. but how is the puppy?? i've been in puppy hell and i'm curious what other new puppy parents are going through.

Anonymous said...

This is such a great insight into married life! It's so funny that you say "his snoring still isn't cute", I think things like that are something a lot of people take for granted. Glad you're having fun though!!

Mrs. K said...

LOVE that photo!