Monday, October 12, 2009


There's something about this weather that's killing my skin. The cold, the wind, getting too drunk with friends and forgetting to wash my makeup off at night. One will never know for sure.

As I inspected my pores in the mirror this morning, I was reminded of an incident that took place in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Maybe it was stress. Maybe it was the potato chip diet. All I know is that in the throes of wedding planning my face began breaking out like crazy. A bride-to-be's worst nightmare. I moaned. I cried. I went to work and tortured my office companions with my angst.

Was it a practical joke? Some innocent advice? One of my co-workers casually mentioned that a little Windex on my zits would do the trick (keep in mind, I've never seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding).

I rush home and rummage under my kitchen sink. Drats. No effing Windex. But, ahaha! 409 multi-surface cleaner. That's, like, the same thing, right?

No. It's not.

To sum it up, I coat my face in 409 multi-surface cleaner, My skin puffs up like something from a bad Cher movie, and Nick scoffs at my stupidity making comments like, "Why would you put something that you use to clean toilets on your face?"

That's a good question.

Sometimes weddings just make girls do crazy things.

Image from here


Halsey said...

Oh my gosh! Craziness haha I would even be afraid to use the Windex.

jaime said...

:D you crack me up!

buhdoop said...

Crazy bride syndrome? It will hit us all like a zombie virus someday.

Liz said...

oh my god that's hilarious!

What he ate, what I ate. said...

oh no.

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

I can't believe you didn't reveal this little story until now!!! Someone told me peroxide whitens your teeth so I rinsed me mouth with it for 3 months 2x a day until my dentist told me I was killing important bacteria in my mouth and could develop an infection. Oops.

Jennifer said...

Hahaha! Girl, you are crazy! There is nothing else to say. :)

Mrs T said...

You poor thing! I would totally do something like that. Funny now though...

Volunteer opportunities said...

LOL! I find your story very funny. That must have hurt, putting toilet cleanser on your face just to get rid of the zits. I was just wondering what your face looked like on your wedding day.

Women fragrances said...

Hey! Give the lady a break, I understand that you just freaked out because you’re about to get married. Sometimes logic is out of question when we ladies are in panic, especially when it comes to situations like this.

east side bride said...


anna and the ring said...

You be trippin'. Oh how I wish I could get away with saying that in real life!